1 research outputs found

    Revealing the Extent of Kindergarten Teachers' practicing of some Activities to Develop

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    The study aimed at identifying the extent to which kindergarten teachers practiced some of the activities of developing sensory and creative thinking on the kindergarten children in the city of Amman, and knowing the level of practice of teachers in kindergartens of the activities of the development of sensory and creative thinking which was prepared by the researchers according to "the number of years of experience, and the type of qualification and academic degree. For this purpose, the researchers designed a questionnaire consisted of (47) items in which two types of activities were chosen, which develop thinking patterns: sensory (24) activities and creative (23) activities and applied them to (78) kindergarten teachers in the regions of Amman City. The researchers relied on the SPSS statistical program and the Kruskal-Walls test was used to determine the significance of the differences in the sample responses. The study has reached the following conclusions: The practice of kindergarten teachers for some activities of the development of motor sensory thinking among the kindergarten children in the city of Amman was high, the arithmetic mean reached (2.53) for some sensory thinking activities, which was slightly more than the creativity that reached (2.39). The results also showed that there are no differences in the implementation of activities related to the development of sensory thinking and creative thinking in research by kindergarten teachers due to the number of years of experience variable. The views of kindergarten teachers are similar in the application of activities related to the development of sensory thinking and creative thinking, whatever their scientific qualifications. Keywords: activities for the development of sensory thinking, activities for the development of creative thinking, kindergartens